Considering the tremendous self-adaptive and social capacities in human beings, you have the ability to heal and improve much that is fueling what brings you to psychotherapy:
BrainMindSelf Fitness Training
Comprehensive, Single- or Multiple- Goal Focused Psychotherapy.
Mental Health Problems & Disorders
(stress, depression, fear, panic, phobias, manic, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, adult survivor of sexual or physical abuse, sleep issues, and addictions such as shopping/spending, gambling, eating, and other ingestive addictions)
(accidents, childhood, sexual, military, crimes, medical, sports, etc…)
Health & Body Issues
(infertility, headaches, sleep problems, weight/eating issues/disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, acute conditions or body distress flare-ups, medical trauma, sports injury trauma, chronic conditions, lifestyle changes, etc….)
Call Dr. Casadaban for an appointment
Psychotherapy with Performance/Realization Issues
Life Issues
(Relationships, Time & Organization Issues, Self Realization, etc.)
Professional Accomplishment
(Sudden Performance Success or Opportunity: Business, Academia, Executive, and Managerial, Student
Sports Performance Arts
See: Self Strength Work Military/Veterans Issues