Brain Mind Self Fitness Training

BrainMindSelf (BMS) Fitness Training in psychotherapy goes beyond basic skills training.  Because our psychological self is made up of our functioning as brain, mind, body, and spirit, all those powers and capacities can be harnessed in the service of our health and goals. Moreover, since that self develops and adapts in our experience of who/what we encounter, our functioning and powers can be harnessed to better align our selves with who and how we want to be in the world.

BMS Fitness Training applies key aspects of human nature (as basic psychological science and neuroscience understands), including the brain and mind powers to:

  • Move where and how we hold our memories and parts of self.
  • Strengthen self resources and development.
  • Build self-adaptations that automatically work for us and our goals.
  • Increase tolerance and management of basic emotions and motivations, both positive and negative.

Through fitness training, you get a better sense of your psychological self, such as who, where, and how you are now. Specific information about the basics of human nature, provided at the right healing and adaptive time and place, enables participation in adaptive improvement.

Specific co-guided experiences restructure your neural networks to function and perform, as needed in your present life.

Call Dr. Casadaban for an appointment

BrainMindSelf Fitness Training in psychotherapy adds benefit and improves functioning, regardless of any further work. The fitness training may clarify what specific additional psychotherapy work is needed. Powerful benefits accrue when integrating BMS Fitness Training within goal-focused psychotherapy.   Goal-Focused, Brain Mind Self Psychotherapy

BMS Fitness training can complement mental skills training programs, such as ones based in mindfulness or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.  A more extensive range of the brain’s adaptive capacities are systematically tapped.

Clients working BMS Fitness Training and psychotherapy can notice benefits, when having received only marginal improvement, despite years of psychotherapy with other modalities.