Adrianne Blanche Casadaban, Ph.D.



My passion has been to understand what heals the human spirit and enables well-being and thriving.

Grounded in 30 years of education and experience, my Performance And Realization framework integrates scientific knowledge of universal human aspects (including brain, mind-body, spirit, development, and evolution) with powerful improvement processes and approaches that unlock individual potential. With my understanding of your mind and personal self, Self Strength Work we work together to access natural realization and healing powers.


With more than twenty years of experience, study, and results as a clinical and coaching psychologist, I created Performance and Realization in 1996 as a culminating expression of my synthesis of science, psychotherapy and coaching and my life-long commitment to learning what truly enables individuals to mobilize their minds towards the achievement of health, happiness, and success. My training in performance methods adds to and integrates with my clinical, social, mind, brain, development, spirit, and evolution study, enabling my individually-tailored realization focus.

Then, in 2010, Brain Mind Self: Framework to Sustain a Healthy Self, needed to be written as the first round of understanding the components and potential of our self adaptability.

Before launching my private practice as Performance and Realization, I gained extensive experience in a range of academic appointments including: Lecturer in Psychology, Stony Brook University; Lecturer, Psychology Board, University of California Santa Cruz; Lecturer, Registered Psychologist, University of California, San Francisco; Assistant Clinical Professor Specialist III, University of California, San Francisco; Lecturer Stanford University in Family Medicine; and Lecturer at California State University, East Bay (formerly, Hayward). In my career I have extensive training in and study of attachment. My early career included research and grant work as well as child and family development study, training, and clinical work.

I received my B.A.- Psychology at The Catholic University of America, a Ph. D. in Psychology, Social specialty, at Stony Brook University (formerly called The State University of New York at Stony Brook), a Post Graduate Certificate – Sports Performance Psychology, John F. Kennedy University and later trained with Creative Dimensions In Management (Iris Martin), whose psychological approach became the model for executive coaching. I have been a Licensed Psychologist, Clinical Specialty #PSY7178 in California since January 1982.

With the tremendous changes and new directions in psychology, neuroscience, human nature evolution, and their interaction over the last twenty-five years, it has been absolutely essential to my practice to stay abreast of these new developments. I have undertaken thousands of hours of continuing education and study in mind, brain, mind/body, and evolution advances. I then integrate that knowledge with study and work with psychotherapy and coaching improvement processes.  This work culminated in the Brain-Mind-Self framework and book. In preparation is the professional journal article and the applications book: Brain Mind Self Applications: Practical Aids to Build Self-Strength and Adaptively Heal.

Examples of Earliest Presentations: (See Consultation Page for recent examples)

“A Model of the Mind of the Brain to Envelop Psychotherapy Integration” Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2006.

“Applying EMDR to physical illness, injury, and symptoms in adults and children: EMDR protocol for the assessment and treatment of physical phenomena with selected applications”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the EMDR International Association, Denver, CO. June 1996.