I can help you with...
My specialties include panic/anxiety/obsessivecompulsive, trauma/PTSD, depression, success issues, & mind/body. For a more extensive list, click here.
ONLINE Tele-Health, Psychotherapy, & Coaching Services (including EMDR):
To Arrange, Call 925-946-9991 (with free 15 minute phone consultation) or message BMSAI@protonmail.com (My encrypted email intentionally doesn’t include “Dr. Casadaban” for your privacy.) Provided through VSee.comDr. Casadaban’s Approach:
Our psychological self is made up of our brain, mind, body, and spirit – whose powers can be harnessed to better align our selves with who & how we want to be in the world. Your right hemisphere is your amazing ally in how you improve and thrive. I can be your other ally on this important journey.My services can be fairly brief to get you moving along your path, or focused on a more thorough development of potential and well-being.